

Get all the actors of the series.

Parameters:series – the series created with set_series()
Returns:a dictionary of all the actors of the series provided by
Return type:dict
Raises:thetvdb_api.theTVDBError if something went wrong

The get_actors() function returns a dictionary with one sub-dictionary for each actor of the series. These sub-dictionaries have the following keys:

  • Image: The location of the artwork.
  • Name: The actors real name.
  • Role: The name of the actors character in the series.
  • SortOrder: An integer from 0-3. 1 being the most important actor on the show and 3 being the third most important actor. 0 means they have no special sort order. Duplicates of 1-3 aren’t suppose to be allowed but currently are so the field isn’t perfect but can still be used for basic sorting.