
Release v0.3.1

thetvdb_api is a Python API for It is very simple to use and has a lot of features.


This API allows you to access all the information of including:

  • Informations about a tv show (such as first aired, network...)
  • Informations about an episode (such as director, writer...)
  • All the banners linked to a show
  • All the actors of a show


First of all, you will need an API key from You can easily get one from this registration page.

Get the show informations

There are 2 ways to create theTVDB object depending on the following situations:

  • you know in what language you want to retrieve the informations of the show. Be aware that all the shows are not available in all languages
  • you don’t know the language

You know the language

import thetvdb_api

thetvdb_api.set_cache('some folder') #set the cache folder
series = thetvdb_api.set_series('some show name', 'your tvdb api key', 'language')

series = thetvdb_api.get_series(series)

For example:

import thetvdb_api


series = thetvdb_api.set_series('The Office (US)', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'en')
series_infos = thetvdb_api.get_series(series)

If set_cache() is not called, the result of the request won’t be cached. set_cache() accepts a second optional argument which is the time to hold cache in seconds (default is 21600)

Language must be one of the languages supported by See Available languages.

See get_series() for more information.

You don’t know the language

import thetvdb_api

thetvdb_api.set_cache('some folder') #set the cache folder
series = thetvdb_api.set_series('some show name', 'your tvdb api key')

series_infos = thetvdb_api.get_series(series )

For example:

import thetvdb_api

series = thetvdb_api.set_series('The Office (US)', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')

series_infos = thetvdb_api.get_series(series)

See get_series() for more information.

You can later specify a language and get some more show information by doing:

thetvdb_api.set_language(series, 'en')
series_infos = thetvdb_api.get_series(series)

Get the episode informations

A language must have been set through the constructor or the set_language() function. Otherwise, English will be chosen but it can lead to unexpected output.

episode_infos = thetvdb_api.get_episode(series, 'season_number', 'episode_number')

For example:

episode_infos = thetvdb_api.get_episode(series, 3, 9)

get_episode() accepts a third argument ‘language’ if you want to specify a language different from the one defined in the constructor or the set_language() function.

See get_episode() for more information.

Get the banners

banners = thetvdb_api.get_banners(series)

See get_banners() for more information.

Get the actors

actors= thetvdb_api.get_actors(series)

See get_actors() for more information.


GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)

API Documentation

If you are looking for information on a specific function, class or method, this part of the documentation is for you.



release date: not released

  • Better naming convention (no backward incompatibility, only in core, not in api)
  • new doc
  • python3 support


release date: 2014-02-04

  • Change the name of the program: theTVDB API becomes thetvdb_api
  • Change the name of some functions : get_series_infos() become get_series() and get_episode_infos() become get_episodes()
  • set_cache() has more options: second argument is optional and tells how long the cache must be hold


release date: 2014-02-02

  • Initial release